Bio in Pictures
2016: An amazing year of transition, beginning with figurative work, ending in three-dimensional abstraction.
2017: This year is a celebration: Carl Mehrbach's art hits maturity! The substantiation is undeniable. Every painting, every drawing, every mark, in paint or pencil, exhibits profound understanding. |
2019: A very busy year — Three major Solo Exhibitions:
✦ AVA Gallery, Lebanon, NH ✦ Bromfield Gallery, Boston, MA ✦ Converse Free Library, Lyme NH Mehrbach's art of 2019 was complex; it required a viewer's full engagement. The drawings and painting of 2018/19 are formal and sophisticated; their striking inventiveness, and their high skill quality, is exhausting. These works led Mehrbach to reconsidered the efficacy of intricate entanglement. The works to follow evolve toward more simple espousal. |